11 Best construction staffing resources, tools, and tips

Check out this list of construction staffing resources and tips that will help you build a winning team.

11 Best construction staffing resources, tools, and tips

Staffing for construction continues to be challenging as the industry grapples with an ever-persistent labor shortage. Adding to this issue is an aging construction workforce, which has led to workers retiring with no younger generation to replace them and significant barriers to immigration.

This blog post will, therefore, provide some useful resources and tips for construction staffing to help you fill in workforce gaps.

11 best construction staffing resources and tips

If you’re operating in the construction industry, here are some of the best ways to improve staffing.

1. Project and resource management software

While most construction companies can readily tell when to hire additional workers, figuring out which roles require the most attention isn’t always easy. Project and resource management software provide the data professionals can use to identify skill gaps.

Using data to reduce gaps in construction skills can be very beneficial, as it allows you to pinpoint what roles need to be filled in the short and long term. 
For example, companies like SKYGRiD Construction have benefited from using Bridgit Bench to inform their recruitment decisions.

Check out this article for more tips on using software to pinpoint skill gaps that need to be filled in the short and long term. Also, read this case study to find out how SkyGrid.

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2. Be clear regarding your safety protocols

Safety has always been an important priority on job sites. When hiring, you must highlight your company’s safety protocols to let candidates know you take them seriously.

With no end in sight to labor shortages, construction staffing must focus on attracting and retaining workers. This not only involves branching out into new marketplaces and investing in more effective resource management strategies but also emphasizing employee health for a consistently available workforce.

3. Social media

Today, platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn play important roles in professional networking. Savvy construction companies have begun leveraging social media for hiring by:

  • Creating dedicated profiles for recruiting (which gives candidates a much more professional impression of your company than recruiters reaching out via their own personal profiles)
  • Posting industry-relevant content regularly to attract candidates
  • Using personalized videos and messages to draw attention to their unique company culture
  • Posting ads on social media platforms that allow it (including Facebook)

4. Construction staffing agencies

Construction firms may find staffing centers that provide labor immensely helpful, especially in recruiting specialized talent.

These agencies are staffed with recruitment professionals with the expertise to hire qualified candidates, which can be useful when your company lacks a strong human resources department or your construction management workers lack the necessary skills for hiring.

If you’re located in Canada, some well-known construction staffing companies you may find valuable include:

However, if your company is based in the United States, some well-known construction staffing firms that you can make use of include:

The benefits of working with construction staffing agencies

Having an agency handle your company’s staffing needs can be immensely beneficial in many ways.

For one, it can save you a lot of time, as the hiring process can consume many resources that would otherwise be better used on project completion. 

It can be incredibly time-consuming to review hundreds of applications to narrow your options to a pool of candidates, conduct (often multiple) interviews, negotiate and prepare paperwork, and undergo the onboarding process.

A staffing agency can allow you to better focus on what’s important as they handle this resource-intensive recruitment process—often more effectively, as another benefit is access to expertise and insights from recruitment professionals. 

With their knowledge of standardized hiring techniques, they’ll be able to fulfill your company’s labor needs thoroughly, quickly, and efficiently.

Having a construction staffing company assist with recruitment is also better because they’ll likely have knowledge of local markets in terms of labor availability. This will allow them to accommodate your company’s specific needs.

By enlisting the help of a recruitment agency, your company can gain a competitive advantage, as you’ll have more labor on board in less time to speed up project completion.

5. Local classifieds

Craigslist and Kijiji are great for much more than just selling your used furniture. Workers have used these platforms for years to identify and apply for opportunities. They’re worth a shot if you’ve had difficulty finding qualified candidates elsewhere.

Here are some tips for using local classifieds to find talent:

  • Be specific regarding the minimum qualifications you’d like candidates to have
  • Weed out candidates who lack attention to detail by asking them to include something specific in their response (i.e., mentioning your company name in all caps); then, as you receive email responses, you can filter them to show only those who paid attention to your request
  • Don’t worry about responding to every single applicant personally; websites like Craigslist have a fairly high noise-to-signal ratio
  • Use an applicant tracking system (ATS); these programs are essential for scanning large numbers of resumes and job applications without spending tons of man-hours

6. Networking

People are indispensable resources, not only in terms of labor but also in what they can offer to those they know. You’ve likely worked with several contractors in the past on multiple or overlapping projects. You can use this to your advantage when you’re having trouble with construction staffing and need positions filled.

Try asking past collaborators if they know anyone who could possibly be a valuable candidate. Using platforms like LinkedIn can help maintain connections.

7. Traditional job listing sites

While construction-specific staffing agencies can help you find experienced workers, don’t discount the importance of traditional job listing sites.

Platforms like Indeed and ZipRecruiter remain some of North America’s most popular online job marketplaces, with millions of monthly visitors. Much of the advice related to local classifieds applies here; use an ATS and be very specific regarding your expectations of candidates.

8. Apprenticeships

Regarding construction staffing, apprenticeships are another source of human capital that allows you to account for skill gaps effectively. While it’s unlikely that they’ll be able to fill highly specialized senior roles, they’re a great opportunity to recruit promising candidates and train them into workers that fit your company’s needs.

One effective way to recruit apprentices is by reaching out to internship coordinators at local schools and partnering with them. New graduates will always be searching for positions and trying to break into the job market, providing your company with a great, consistent source of workers.

9. Employee referral programs

Your existing workers likely have contacts within their networks that might qualify for existing roles. Given how expensive it can be to find these qualified candidates, many companies pay existing employees referral fees for successful hires.

Here are some tips for ensuring a quality construction employee referral system:

  • Set realistic goals for the program, such as how many recruits you expect to obtain from it
  • Create a standardized process for referral submissions (i.e., a form employees can submit)
  • Ensure your standardized process minimizes the likelihood of employees attempting to game the system by referring unqualified candidates and then pulling strings internally to get them approved (i.e., implement stricter evaluations of candidates referred by employees that would ultimately be involved in the hiring process)
  • Keep your employees informed regarding how their candidates are progressing through the recruitment process
  • Provide your employees with feedback on their submissions so they know exactly what you’re looking for in candidates

10. Make your company more attractive by emphasizing technological efficiency

Construction firms regularly encounter glaring problems, such as constant delays or cost overruns. Many of these problems frustrate prospective candidates, especially younger ones, as technological solutions can easily address these issues.

Candidates want a company that cares about operational efficiency, so when it comes to construction staffing, it helps to distinguish your firm by emphasizing modern management practices and an openness to new ideas, techniques, and technologies.

This forward-thinking mentality will make your company more attractive to candidates, as they’ll see you as adaptable to changing times if it means improving the stability of your company.

11. Consider using subcontractors more often

If you continually lack qualified candidates for a particular role, consider relying more heavily on subcontractors. While this can often cost more per hour, you’ll usually spend less on payroll expenses. After all, as we mentioned in our article on calculating construction labor costs, a lot more goes into construction labor costs than mere salaries.

Subcontractors will handle the process of recruiting and training professionals while you can focus on the areas in which you have an easier time hiring.

The importance of construction staffing

Labor is the backbone of all construction projects, so effective staffing for construction firms is vital to delivering high-quality results and ensuring project success. With tight deadlines and a constant need for labor being at the center of projects, staying ahead of recruitment becomes all the more important.

In this regard, construction staffing agencies are invaluable, as they can help address worker shortages without consuming additional labor resources.

What makes construction staffing so challenging?

Given the importance of staffing, you might wonder why so many construction companies struggle with it. Here are some key reasons.

Finding qualified construction workers

The main factor that makes staffing challenging in the construction industry is a simple inability to find qualified workers. Especially with the increased demand for housing, labor is needed now more than ever, but fewer people are willing to fill those roles.

Improving your company’s recruitment processes is the best way to address this. Consider also enlisting the help of construction staffing agencies.

Bridging skill gaps

With the older workforce retiring, replacements are needed to fill this labor gap. The problem, however, lies in a lack of younger workers available.

Statistics have shown that fewer young people opt to work in the construction industry as they see more attractive prospects elsewhere. This lack of specialized trades will worsen if nothing changes in the upcoming decade.

The industry needs to invest in attracting younger construction workers, whether that’s through improving pay and benefits, increasing operational efficiency, or adopting new methods for a comfortable work life.

Companies must invest in ongoing training for sustainable growth to maintain existing workers.

Fulfilling compliance standards

Construction staffing is also made difficult by companies failing to follow the various recruitment and retention regulations.

Interview practices should be reviewed periodically to ensure that biases and discrimination are not involved in the hiring process,  as perfectly qualified candidates may be overlooked.

It’s also important to address pay disparities and ensure promotion equality to keep high-performing workers.

Maintaining construction worker safety

Construction can be risky regarding safety if protocols aren’t properly followed. The construction industry is known to have the highest number of injuries, which can explain why people may be hesitant to work in it.

Safety training and a safety plan should be properly developed and executed.

Need help with workforce management? Choose Bridgit Bench

Construction staffing is no easy feat. We hope this article has given you some valuable ideas regarding how you can go about finding qualified candidates.

If you need a more efficient way to manage your existing workforce to inform recruitment decisions, consider Bridgit Bench. Our cloud-based system lets you track construction personnel and organize labor more effectively.
Request a demo with Bridgit today.

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Michel Richer

Michel Richer is the Manager of Content and Product Marketing at Bridgit. He started in the construction industry early on with a local restoration company. Michel is driven to propel the construction industry forward by helping to eliminate outdated, ineffective processes.

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