Resource Hub


Workforce Planning Checklist

Easily identify the workforce planning features that matter most to your business and ensure that planning tools meet your expectations with this simple checklist.

How to run effective workforce planning meetings cover

How to run effective workforce planning meetings

Navigate staffing challenges and foster a culture of proactive planning with our expert workforce planning guide.

How Workforce Intelligence Deliver Beyond Operational Excellence

How workforce intelligence delivers beyond operational excellence

Learn how cloud-based technology is transforming workforce planning and labor coordination.

The business case for workforce planning automation

Learn how five top contractors have transformed workforce planning, improved project staffing, and fostered a more collaborative planning process.

How effective construction workforce management leads to strategic project pipelines

See how effective workforce planning can help stay ahead of labor demands and create a strategic project pipeline.

Strategic Workforce Management – Going from spreadsheet maintenance to workforce planning mastery

Steps any contractor can take to be more strategic with their workforce management.

Bridgit Bench vs Spreadsheets

Bridgit Bench vs Spreadsheets

Look at how Bridgit Bench stacks up against your current process with feature comparisons, integrations, and customer support.


Bridgit Bench Year-in-Review

Check out all the major developments to Bridgit Bench throughout 2023, as well as some team and customer favorites.

Bridgit Bench tour thumbnail

Take the full tour

Get a brief overview of the benefits of using the leading workforce planning platform in construction.

Bridgit + Schimenti webinar thumbnail

Innovation Spotlight

Maintaining workforce visibility from coast to coast with Daniel Barry, VP of Operations at Schimenti Construction.

resource planning for precon video overview

Resource planning for preconstruction

Take a look at Bridgit Bench’s streamlined approach to planning precon tasks and assignments.

communication options in Bridgit Bench thumbnail

Workforce communications in Bridgit Bench

Get a brief overview of all the different ways you can communicate with your workforce and project teams directly from Bridgit Bench.


How Sellen uses Bridgit Bench

Sellen Construction

Previous Tools: Legacy data management software
KPI and result: Assembling compelling teams when bidding on projects.

Wohlsen Case Study

Wohlsen Construction

Previous Tools: Homegrown solution and spreadsheets
KPI and result: Assembling compelling teams when bidding on projects.

Ryan Companies Project

Ryan Companies

Previous Tools: Homegrown solution and spreadsheets
KPI and result: Assembling compelling teams when bidding on projects.

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