How Bridgit’s co-founders tapped into a market ignored by tech

How Bridgit’s co-founders tapped into a market ignored by tech

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Entrepreneurship taught Bridgit COO Lauren Lake to never assume she knows more about a problem than someone living it every day. In a recent interview for the #CIBCInnovationEconomy podcast series, Lake shared more about Bridgit’s founding story and how the company discovered its niche.

“We knew right from day one that we were never going to know better than the people on-site every day.”
– Lauren Lake, Bridgit COO

Lake and her co-founder Mallorie Brodie began their entrepreneurial journey together in 2014. The pair met through entrepreneur accelerator program Next36 and developed an idea to help on-site construction workers. They noticed that workers on site had multiple manual and paper-based processes and thought technology could provide a solution.