Concrete contractor job: What does it involve?

Concrete work is crucial in construction projects. This article illuminates the role of concrete contractors, detailing their tasks, required skills, and the indispensability of their work. Whether a client or a professional, gain insights for informed decisions on concrete-related projects.

Concrete contractor job: What does it involve?

Concrete contractors build structures and surfaces using – yup, you guessed it – concrete. There is a high level of demand for concrete subcontractors given the material’s prominence in modern construction. Keep reading to learn more about what concrete contractors do, how much they’re typically paid, and how demand is projected to shift in the coming years.

What is a concrete contractor?

Concrete work takes place in several stages, including:

  • Choosing the correct concrete for the application: There are many types of concrete on the market. Before concrete contractors even begin working on the site, they need to identify the correct type of concrete for the project based on its specifications.
  • Preparing the site: Once the contractor has identified the correct approach (including type of concrete), they can begin site preparation. This may include excavation and other ground preparation strategies that will ensure the concrete pouring process goes smoothly.
  • Forming: During this stage, concrete subcontractors build a framework that will keep the concrete in place as it hardens.
  • Pouring: Here’s where the concrete is poured into the form.
  • Finishing: At this stage, concrete contractors put the finishing touches on the installation, which often includes embedding designs into the concrete before it hardens.

Concrete subcontractors are involved at every point in this process, ensuring the installation meets the project’s specifications. As specialized subcontractors, these professionals typically work under general contractors on larger projects. Their work is foundational (often quite literally) on many job sites.

Concrete contractor salary and career outlook

Next, let’s discuss how much concrete subcontractors earn on average along with how demand for their services is projected to shift over the coming years.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, cement masons and concrete finishers earn $49,390 annually on average. To reach the 90th percentile of cement masons and concrete finishers, a worker would need to earn $75,900 annually.

Of all U.S. states, California employs the largest number of concrete workers at 29,520. Texas is a distant second at 20,980.

Demand forecast

When it comes to employment growth projections, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics files concrete workers under the category of “masonry workers.” The agency projects demand for this entire category of workers will decline by 3%. However, it also notes that concrete workers in particular will see greater demand than other types of masons due to the increasing popularity of polished concrete. Indeed, the bureau’s data projects cement masons will see demand for their services fall slightly less at 2% from 2019 to 2029.

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Skills and qualities required for success as a concrete construction contractor

Now that you understand what concrete contractors do along with their compensation and forecasted demand, let’s discuss the skills required to succeed in this role. If you’re a subcontractor looking to hire concrete workers, this list should prove helpful when qualifying candidates.

Specialized hard skills

Concrete work is highly specialized, involving a unique set of tools, equipment, and processes. Successful candidates should be familiar with these processes and capable of performing them confidently.

Responsibility and time management

Concrete work (particularly pouring) is very time-sensitive. Because the material they work with is dynamic, concrete workers need to stay focused throughout the work day. Otherwise, the material could harden and make subsequent processing difficult.

On a related note, concrete workers also frequently need to work overtime since the material is such that certain types of processing (i.e. finishing) can’t be paused for the evening and resumed in the morning.

Physical endurance

Concrete masonry is very physically demanding work. Professionals typically spend most of every day on their feet, often working under harsh conditions (i.e. extreme heat). They may also need to bend quite often (i.e. when using hand tools to finish the concrete), which puts a strain on their knees.

Candidates who aren’t able to keep up with these physical demands may be seen as safety liabilities.

The ability to take direction

Concrete workers typically take instructions from the job site’s foreman. In construction’s fast-paced environment, workers need to be capable of taking direction without taking offense (which may mean putting up with lots of yelling as people scramble to get things done).

The ability to learn on the job

Construction concrete workers often learn their craft on the job. With real dollars and contracts on the line, this is a very different learning environment than a classroom. It requires a unique approach to learning, which includes being upfront about the limits of one’s knowledge, lest they end up derailing the project.

Problem solving

As with all aspects of construction, things don’t always go as planned with concrete work. Consequently those who succeed in construction concrete jobs are adept problem solvers. Issues concrete workers commonly face include:

  • severe time constraints (especially when the weather gets in the way of tight project deadlines)
  • bad mixes
  • poor site preparation (which can be due to a variety of factors, some beyond any subcontractor’s control)

Business savvy

Concrete workers looking to become subcontracting business owners need a skillset that goes far beyond the job site. They also need to be efficient at operating their business, which means making confident decisions regarding hiring, accounting, estimating, and bidding.

These skills can be obtained through business school and/or through working for other subcontracting business owners for several years.

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If you own a concrete business and are looking to manage your resources (including workforce) more efficiently, look no further than Bridgit Bench. We built this resource management tool specifically for construction companies. Learn more about how subcontractors of all types are using Bridgit Bench to streamline everything from employee scheduling to equipment management.

Concrete Contractor FAQ

How do I start my own concrete business?

If you’re interested in starting your own concrete business, then you’ll need a business plan, funding, and you’ll need to obtain requisite permits and licenses. You will need to use your funding to buy equipment and potentially hire workers, depending on how big of an operation you plan to run. You will also want to consider relationships with suppliers and clients, while setting up marketing to get interest in your business.

How much does it cost to start a concrete business?

Starting a concrete business can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000. This depends entirely on the scale of operations you plan to run which will determine equipment and labor costs. You will also need to account for the cost of permits and insurance.

What are the margins in the concrete business?

8% to 20%. Profit margins vary depending on factors such as operational efficiency, project size, and marketing conditions affecting things like material and fuel costs.

How profitable is a concrete business?

A concrete business can be highly profitable, especially if it operates efficiently, secures large contracts, and maintains strong relationships with clients and suppliers. Profit margins can vary but are generally healthy due to the high demand for concrete in construction.

How much money is in the concrete industry?

In the Is alone, the industry is worth over $50 billion annually. Globally, the concrete industry is a multi-billion dollar sector with revenue generated from projects such as residential, commercial, and infrastructure projects.

We hope you’ve found this article helpful from the perspective of understanding what concrete workers do and how demand for their roles is changing. For more articles about construction management and the various roles that fall under its purview, visit our blog.

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Brandon-Richard Austin

Brandon-Richard Austin is a writer and content strategist focused on the construction sector. He’s passionate about educating readers on construction management techniques and best practices.