Guide to workforce forecasting

In construction, anticipating workforce needs is crucial. This guide explores the art of workforce forecasting, delving into data analysis, industry trends, and predictive modeling techniques. Unveil the secrets to strategic staffing for success in the competitive construction arena.

Guide to workforce forecasting

With the construction industry undergoing a digital transformation in recent years, a strong emphasis has been placed on collecting accurate data to inform the decision-making process at the company and project levels. “Forecasting” has quickly become a buzzword and an important criterion when evaluating construction resource management software. However, there is sometimes a disconnect between contractors in regard to what workforce forecasting is and why it matters to their organization. This article will define workforce forecasting and why it should matter to you.

What is workforce forecasting?

Workforce forecasting uses historical and forward-looking workforce data to predict or identify trends in workforce planning and utilization rates. This data is meant to answer important questions like:

Do we have the capacity to take on a new project?

Understanding your workforce capacity can help to identify future projects that may require an increase in the price you bid because you will need to bring on more team members to complete the project in the event that the bid is won.

Where can we take on more work?

Your forecasting should highlight dips in your workforce utilization rate and identify team members who are being underutilized. Time is money, and if team members are underutilized, it costs your organization money. Accurate forecasting will help keep your team working at your desired capacity and ensure no one falls through the cracks and becomes an expensive mistake.

How will a new project, or change in a current project, impact our workforce strategy?

Things change frequently in construction. It’s the nature of the industry that dates frequently get shifted, changes in project scope happen, and adjustments need to be made. Identifying, in real-time, the impact that project changes will have on your workforce plan and strategy helps to make informed decisions regarding how those changes are managed to remain as profitable as possible on each project. The same goes for new projects. Seeing the impact on your workforce plan allows you to plan better new projects to mitigate risk and increase productivity and profitability.

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Is my workforce spread too thin?

The flipside of underutilized team members is overworked team members. Being able to identify periods of high utilization can help to scale back project allocations where needed. It’s typical in construction to have your team working at a pretty high utilization rate, but running your team on high for too long can lead to unhappy workers, heightened stress on the job site, and potential safety risks. Workforce forecasting helps to identify these high utilization trends so that leadership can take action to right the ship ahead of potential conflict. Visit this page to learn more about the Bridgit Bench Forecasting Dashboard.

Do we need to hire?

Staying ahead of recruitment to mitigate future project risk can significantly impact your bottom line, especially in the current competitive hiring environment in construction. With nearly 5.1 million construction and extraction workers expected to retire in the coming years, that competitive environment will only be amplified when looking for skilled workers. Accurate forecasting can help identify projects requiring new team members to keep you ahead of the competition when the time comes.

“To get the most out of our budget, we must know when to recruit someone to staff a job. We can be confident regarding recruitment decisions because we have greater clarity about our stage and when resources will be available for another project.”

Why is workforce forecasting important for construction?

Construction is a long game. With projects often extending for months or years, knowing exactly how a new project will impact your business or how a dip in your workforce utilization will affect your company’s profitability is crucial to playing the long game successfully.

Today, more and more general contractors are migrating their workforce planning and forecasting to automated software. This push comes from a desire to plan, execute, and manage projects and their respective allocations more effectively and productively.

Not only does using an automated system to forecast your workforce supply and demand help to improve a company’s profitability, it can also help to enable collaboration within your organization. When everyone on the team has access to the same information, it helps to ensure that your team is equipped to contribute to the decision-making process and understand the impact those decisions will have on the workforce planning strategy.

Labor shortages are also a consistent challenge for the construction industry. The Bureau of Labor statistics has indicated that the number of job openings in the industry has almost doubled since 2014, with only a 14% increase in new hires. It’s important for general contractors to forecast their workforce needs and be proactive instead of reactive in regards to their recruitment process. Identifying gaps in the workforce early allows contractors to stay ahead of their recruiting, which can make the difference between a good and bad hire in such a competitive environment.

Digital technologies and construction software, like Bridgit Bench, provide real-time, accurate forecasting data and insight into utilization rates to make informed decisions around project bidding and allocations. This insight can help to keep the project pipeline on track and has quickly become a competitive advantage for general contractors that have migrated away from their manual processes and welcomed the digitization of core operations.

Bridgit Bench is the leader in construction resource management and workforce planning. Our solution helps operations managers better understand their workforce forecasting with clear-cut, highly visual utilization reports and allocation breakdowns on upcoming projects. The utilization reports can be filtered by team, division, region, or any custom people field. They can also be used to compare utilization by different people properties. If you wanted to see your utilization rate for a specific region and further compare by title, Bridgit Bench is the right tool for the job. The forecasting dashboard can also be viewed up to 5 years out to stay ahead of any potential drops in your workforce utilization.

Workforce forecasting FAQ

What is workforce management forecasting?

In construction, workforce management forecasting involves predicting future workforce needs based on historical data, trends, and the current situation. Using workforce management forecasting, you can plan for staffing requirements, allocate resources efficiently, and make sure you have the right resources with the necessary skills. This is critical in construction where having tradespeople schedule on time can help keep projects on schedule.

How to forecast manpower requirements? 

Forecasting manpower requirements is a key component of forecasting. You will need to analyze historical data, consider future project needs, and evaluate your current workforce’s capabilities. Forecasting software can help you to model out different scenarios and determine how to schedule employees for your construction projects.

What are the benefits of workforce forecasting? 

Workforce forecasting has a few key benefits like improved resource planning and allocation, more accurate project planning, reduced labor costs, increased employee satisfaction, and overall better preparedness for current and future projects. Forecasting is useful so you can adequately staff projects, avoiding costly overstaffing issues or causing delays from understaffing a project.

 How do you create a workforce forecast? 

To create a workforce forecast, gather and analyze historical workforce data, assess current staff capabilities, predict future staffing needs based on upcoming projects, and use workforce planning software to model and visualize different scenarios.

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Michel Richer

Michel Richer is the Manager of Content and Product Marketing at Bridgit. He started in the construction industry early on with a local restoration company. Michel is driven to propel the construction industry forward by helping to eliminate outdated, ineffective processes.

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