
Integrate your project pipeline with the Bridgit Bench and Procore integration

Procore Integration

The Bridgit Bench and Procore integration allows you to pull project information from Procore directly into Bridgit Bench, our industry-leading workforce intelligence solution. That means key dates , custom fields, project roles, and even project phases are automatically synced with Bridgit Bench to optimize your project and resource pipeline.

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What’s new in Bridgit Bench | A look back at summer 2021

What’s new in Bridgit Bench | A look back at summer 2021

Here’s a look back at all the Bridgit Bench updates you may have missed this quarter. Bridgit Bench now allows you to add real-time updates, communicate role assignments, expand your forecasting capabilities, and add attachments to people profiles. With Smart Suggestions, get recommendations on role allocations. Our revamped integration with Procore makes it easier to transfer more data from Procore into Bridgit Bench.

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