
Resource Planning for Preconstruction | Bridgit Bench

resource planning for precon video overview

TL: DR – Bridgit Bench is the first and only workforce planning platform to offer tools built specifically for planning preconstruction teams and tasks. Get your precon team out of spreadsheets and give them flexible task tracking and better visibility into the projects their people are working on, how they’re progressing, and how well their

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Bridgit Bench’s impact on HR and operations collaboration

Bridgit Bench screens with construction company logos

Creating seamless collaboration between project operations and human resources is no small feat. Despite primarily being used by the Operations team, Bridgit Bench can be a tool that allows for collaboration across functions – specifically between Operations and HR. This blog delves into Bridgit Bench’s unique contribution to facilitating HR-Operations collaboration, as told by our

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Preconstruction meetings agenda and questions: All you need to know

With preconstruction being the foundation of a construction project’s success, properly executing meetings to prepare for building is crucial. Without meetings for decision-making and conflict resolution, projects are much more likely to encounter difficulties mid-way. In other words, preconstruction meetings are key to project success, and thus, it’s important to carry them out accordingly. Having

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Construction Laborer Job Description, Salary, Responsibilities

Construction laborer hard hat

Construction workers are the backbone of projects, and laborers play an important role in making projects on paper a full-fledged reality. But the question of what exactly construction laborers do may be weighing on your mind. Furthermore, if you’re looking to hire workers, you might be wondering what to include in your construction laborer job description. 

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